•  Dji New Application

  • download here

  • Supported Mobile Devices

    iOS V 3.2.68

    Requires iOS 7.0 or later.

      Compatible with iPhone 5s, iPhone SE, iPhone 6.3, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7Plus ,iPod touch 6,Pad Pro, iPad Air, iPad Air Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 2 Wi-Fi   Cellular, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular, iPad mini 4, and iPad mini 4 Wi-Fi   Cellular. This app is optimized for iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus.

    Android V 4.1.72

    Requires Android 4.1.2 or later.

      Compatible with LG V20, VIVO X9, OPPO R12, Google Pixel, Nexus 7P, Huawei P9, Huawei MATE 7, Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, Samsung Galaxy S6, Samsung Galaxy S7, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, Samsung Galaxy S8, Samsung Galaxy S8+, Samsung Galaxy Note 8, Samsung Galaxy Note 5, MI 6, MI5.

  • for more information to contact us
